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Artist Statement 

For this project, we were to transfer old pictures into newer looking pictures. Doing this project, I used a lot of different tools, but I mainly used the spot removal tool. I took out any spots that made the image look old and worn. Along with that tool I used the paintbrush and the eyedropper tool. I would eye drop the color around whatever spot I wanted to remove and then paint over it to make it less noticeable.  For the most part, using the paintbrush made the faded areas come back to life in the picture. I would say I was pretty successful with my restorations. As far as the first image goes, I think there is a noticeable before and after difference, but with the second picture, there is a very noticeable before and after picture. The big thing I changed in the first image was restoring faded areas, and in the second picture, I changed the coloring to make it more vibrant. I did enjoy this process, but it was very time consuming for little outcome in the first picture I think I was very successful in capturing the texture of the photo. That is also one big thing I focused on changing. For the second picture, I believe I was successful in capturing the balance. By changing the color, the balance of the elements became more apparent.  

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